Scrapped F-1 Engines
According to the second edition of Alan Lawrie's Saturn ("the complete Saturn V manufacturing and test records") 98 production engines, 82 development engines, seven serialized mock-ups, and a shop floor engineering model were manufactured by Rocketdyne. Sixty-five of the production engines were launched on Saturn V S-IC (first) stages. Many of the R&D engines are no longer with us, "due to the destructive nature of the testing to which they were subjected" (as Lawrie, with his British understatement, phrases it). Thirty-seven (plus one-quarter) engines have been documented to survive, residing in museums, as lawn ornaments, or having been recently disassembled for engineering purposes.
The remainder, either specific engines (eight of the production records and one of the serialized mockups, via documented records) or simply "the rest" (because there no longer is any record of them), are listed has "scrapped".
I present here an undated photo of an F-1 engine junkyard. Sitting in the back lot behind some buildings, among the weeds and the railroad ties, are at least three F-1 engines (see the F-1 at far left, barely peeking up behind the remains of the guard shack) and two nozzle extensions. It would seem that, being stored outdoors without any protective covers or closures, these engines have been completely written off, never even be to scrounged for parts (although the one just left of center does appear to be missing some of its propellant high-pressure ducts).
How many museums (or space geeks) would love to visit this "junkyard"!
Click image for a 5692x4438 pixel version of this image in a new window.
From the green "Engines" binder in the archives of the U.S. Space & Rocket
Scan and cleanup by heroicrelics.