Saturn S-IC Booster Major Components
On one of my visits to the archives of the University of Alabama at Huntsville I found the following drawing of the Saturn V S-IC (first stage):
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Scan and cleanup by heroicrelics.
The Saturn S-IC Booster
Schematic drawing shows the location of the tubular, coaxial missile fuel line (LOX suction line), which will be the first structure to be produced by the Par-Form process.
Major Components
- Forward Skirt Structure
- GOX Distributor
- LOX Tank
- Anti-Slosh Baffles
- Anti-Vortex Device
- Cruciform Baffle
- Intertank Structure
- Fuel Tank
- Suction Line Tunnels
- LOX Suction Lines
- Fuel Suction Lines
- Center Engine Support
- Thrust Column
- Hold Down Post
- Upper Thrust Ring
- Lower Thrust Ring
- Engine Fairing
- Fin
- F-1 Engine
- Retro Rockets
- GOX Line
- Helium Line
- Helium Bottles
- LOX Vent Line
- Helium Distributor
- Instrumentation Panels
- Cable Tunnel
- Umbilical Panel
See NASA photo MSFC-75-SA-4105-2C for similar S-IC diagram.