Building 4205 Construction
Marshall Space Flight Center Building 4205, the Propulsion Research Development Laboratory, is a relatively new building: Ground was broken in July 2002 and the ribbon-cutting ceremony was held July 29, 2004. (See also my Building 4205 architectural renderings.)
I received some Building 4205 construction photos, which I present here. The photos are undated (although the file timestamps on the photos may correspond to the date on which the photos were taken).
The first two photos' file timestamps are from March 12, 2003 and show construction progress of the front of the building. Note the tree on the beam by the building's main entrance from the tree-topping ceremony which was held in early March 2003.
Click image for a 3008x1960 pixel version of this image in a new window.
Photo courtesy Marshall Space Flight Center.
Click image for a 3008x1960 pixel version of this image in a new window.
Photo courtesy Marshall Space Flight Center.
Two more photos, whose file timestamps are May 12, 2003, give a birds-eye view of the construction progress. The tree is still visible, although it looks a bit brown.
Click image for a 1024x768 pixel version of this image in a new window.
Photo courtesy Marshall Space Flight Center.
Click image for a 1024x768 pixel version of this image in a new window.
Photo courtesy Marshall Space Flight Center.
Building 4205 is located east of the Wernher von Braun Office Complex, on Morris Road between Neal Road and Marshall Road.
Google Earth doesn't have any imagery of this area during the construction period. This image, dated March 30, 2003 by Google Earth, show the area before construction began.
Imagery courtesy Google Earth.
The next set of imagery on Google Earth is from October 4, 2005, well after the building had been completed (although before the addition of Propulsion Park).
Imagery courtesy Google Earth.