Building 4205 Architectural Renderings
Marshall Space Flight Center Building 4205, the Propulsion Research Development Laboratory, is a relatively new building, having been constructed in 2002-2004.
I received some undated architectural renderings for Building 4205, which I present here.
First, two overall views of the entire building:
Click image for a 2982x1678 pixel version of this image in a new window.
Image courtesy Marshall Space Flight Center.
Click image for a 1990x1074 pixel version of this image in a new window.
Image courtesy Marshall Space Flight Center.
The "swooping" section about a third of the way over from the left is the main entrance to the building. As the part of the building with the most visual impact, it received special treatment by the folks making the renderings.
The first image is of the north side of the main entrance; it juts out from the rest of the building, so the rock-textured wall is perpendicular to the main building.
Click image for a 3000x2000 pixel version of this image in a new window.
Image courtesy Marshall Space Flight Center.
The west side of the main entrance, as one might view it from the street.
Click image for a 2500x1531 pixel version of this image in a new window.
Image courtesy Marshall Space Flight Center.
This is the view of the actual entrance doors, looking toward the north.
Click image for a 2484x1683 pixel version of this image in a new window.
Image courtesy Marshall Space Flight Center.
The interior of the grand entrance currently houses a small gallery containing propulsion-related exhibits, including a cut-away RL-10 engine, rocket engine turbopumps, and a cut-away SSME powerhead, although this was not reflected in this rendering.
Click image for a 2484x1683 pixel version of this image in a new window.
Image courtesy Marshall Space Flight Center.
See also my Propulsion Park, the Building 4205 rocket engine display, rendering page.