One of the large instructional decals located in the upper left of the docking tunnel. The
instructions refer to the "DM", presumably the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) docking module.
The decal reads
Undocking Operations
Drogue - align lugs with fittings, rotate CCW to stops
Lock lever - rotate 90° CW to detent
Push probe into drogue
Verify capture
latches engaged (pull aft with force)
Installation strut - unstow, pos on tunnel wall (yellow marks)
- Unstow to full extension (green band)
- Ratchet probe fwd to orange hash marks
Restow ratchet hndl and installation strut
Caution: For stowage - adjust preload hndl until probe loose in tunnel and
pos at 45° to support beam
Verify ratchet pawl indicator (red) flush with housing
Preload shaft - push up into detent
Probe umbilicals (2) (yellow) - connect to docking ring
Note: For stowage, umbilical connection not required
GN2 bleed button (red) - press (10 sec)
Probe Preload
Preload sel lever - rotate CCW (parallel to orange stripe)
hndl - torque CW to release
Verify capture latches engaged (gap between cap and cylinder)
Preload hndl - push inboard to detent; pos 45° to support beam
Preload sel lever - mid pos
Release button - depress to release
Latch hndl - pull one or two strokes until bungee recocks
Verify latch hook rotated inboard to clear DM ring
Verify/push latch hndl outboard against latch hook