Wallops Island Site Index
Schweickart's Skylab Training Suit Gallery


Overall view of the suit's neck ring.

Picture 1 of 2.

Note the helmet's yellow neck ring. Only helmets with blue and red neck rings (the color of which indicated a change in the suit's vent port) were flown in the program. Additionally, this helmet is missing its feedport. Since the feedport was added during the development cycle of the A6L suit, it's possible that this is an A6L helmet which was not originally associated with this suit.

The only other helmet I recall ever seeing with a yellow neck ring was on Anders' Apollo 8 suit in the Celebrating Apollo travelling exhibit. That suit is also something of a misfit, so it's likely that they just grabbed an available helmet for display purposes.

Schweickart's Skylab Training Suit neck ring at Wallops Island
Time picture taken Mon Jun 25 10:28:28 2007
Location picture taken Exhibit Gallery
Visitor Center Building
Wallops Flight Facility Visitor Center
Wallops Island, Virginia
Wallops Island Site Index
Schweickart's Skylab Training Suit Gallery