Recovered F-1 Engine Conservation Site Index
Thrust Chambers Gallery


Overall view of the second thrust chamber in its tub; by process of elimination, I believe that this is the one which the U.S. Space & Rocket Center received (the USSRC does not yet display their thrust chamber, but it is not the one retained by the Kansas Cosmosphere or the one sent to the National Air & Space Museum, both of which were truncated aft of the combustion chamber jacket, and appears to differ from the one at the Museum of Flight).

This thrust chamber retained all or most of its regenerative cooling tubes in its jacket and down to the throat straps, still several inches forward of the bifurcation joint.

Thrust chamber from Jeff Bezos recovered F-1 Apollo 11 rocket engines
Time picture taken Thu Dec 5 14:23:42 2013
Location picture taken Warehouse Floor
Cosmosphere SpaceWorks Facility
Hutchinson, KS
Recovered F-1 Engine Conservation Site Index
Thrust Chambers Gallery