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Gemini G2C Suit (Charles Laine)

A Project Gemini G2C suit is part of a space suit exhibit in the former von Braun office exhibit space.

The G2C was an early development suit; most Gemini crews wore the Gemini G4C suit. The G2C suit is largely similar to the G4C, except that the G2C's outer layer is a shiny silver, similar to the Project Mercury suit.

This particular suit was worn by Charles O. Laine while he took part in high-altitude Gemini escape tests. In particular, the testing involved evaluation of a "ballute" (combination balloon/parachute), which was used to stabilize the astronauts after they separated from their ejection seat until a standard 28-foot C-9 parachute used by the armed services could be deployed. Laine's son has a YouTube channel with videos of some of this testing.

As of now, I have not yet sorted through all of my pictures of this suit, but some other page references this location. Thus, this is a "place holder" version right now, with only the pictures actually referenced. Come back some time later to see if I've finished up, or drop me an email to request me to prioritize the rest of these pictures.

dsce0143.jpg at U.S. Space & Rocket Center
dsce0157.jpg at U.S. Space & Rocket Center
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