Stafford Air & Space Museum Site Index
F-1 Engine Gallery


Overall walk-around of F-1 engine.

Picture 2 of 6.

The engine is nestled among other artifacts (e.g., the J-2 engine at left), preventing me from getting the more customary 8-position walk-around.

I have more detailed pictures of many items on this part of the engine:

  • The helium and gaseous oxygen lines (the lines, bent at a right angle, leading from the heat exchanger at the top of the picture), at dsc46660.jpg.
  • The fuel drain line (running along the side of the engine near the bottom of this photo, just above the dolly), at dsc46657.jpg.
  • The interface between the gimbal actuator mount and the dolly, at dsc46658.jpg.

F-1 Engine at Stafford Air & Space Museum
Time picture taken Thu Jul 31 11:17:18 2008
Location picture taken Apollo Gallery
Stafford Air & Space Museum
Weatherford, Oklahoma
Stafford Air & Space Museum Site Index
F-1 Engine Gallery