Kansas Cosmosphere Site Index
F-1 Engine Gallery


Overall view of a component located near the engine's gas generator.

Picture 1 of 3.

This component (or this version of this component) is present only on older F-1 engines. A model builder contacted be regarding this component, hoping that I would be able to identify it; I was unable to do so. Sometime later, after he'd purchased an F-1 model kit he contacted me again, telling me that the model's instructions identified it as the bearing coolant control valve.

The F-1 Rocket Engine Technical Manual: Illustrated Parts Breakdown describes a bearing coolant control valve, but with a substantially different configuration.

So, I'm not certain whether this is the bearing coolant control valve.

Component which may be the bearing coolant control valve on F-1 Engine at Kansas Cosmosphere
Time picture taken Thu Dec 5 16:18:04 2013
Location picture taken Outside South Side of Museum
Kansas Cosmosphere
Hutchinson, KS
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