Kansas Cosmosphere Site Index
F-1 Engine Gallery


Overall view of a component located near the engine's gas generator.

Picture 2 of 3.

This component (or this version of this component) is present only on older F-1 engines. A model builder contacted be regarding this component, hoping that I would be able to identify it; I was unable to do so. Sometime later, after he'd purchased an F-1 model kit he contacted me again, telling me that the model's instructions identified it as the bearing coolant control valve.

The F-1 Rocket Engine Technical Manual: Illustrated Parts Breakdown describes a bearing coolant control valve, but with a substantially different configuration.

So, I'm not certain whether this is the bearing coolant control valve.

Note the "UNIT 1" stencil on the combustion chamber jacket.

Component which may be the bearing coolant control valve on F-1 Engine at Kansas Cosmosphere
Time picture taken Thu Dec 5 16:17:14 2013
Location picture taken Outside South Side of Museum
Kansas Cosmosphere
Hutchinson, KS
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