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Apollo Artifacts Gallery


More Apollo 7 artifacts: an Exer-genie (part of which appears at left) and calendar watch (center).

The sign read:

"11-Day Cold Capsule"

Schirra was first to report the sniffles, about 15 hours into Apollo 7. In the close confines of the Command Module, his cold quickly spread to Eisele and Cunningham.

Apollo 7 Commander Wally Schirra counted down the 11 days of his third and final spaceflight using this calendar watch.

Apollo 7 Pilot Walt Cunningham used this Exer-genie device to keep fit during 11 weightless days in Earth orbit.

Apollo 7 watch calendar at Astronaut Hall of Fame
Time picture taken Mon Jun 14 12:17:56 2004
Location picture taken Museum Gallery
Astronaut Hall of Fame
Titusville, FL
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