Wallops Island Site Index
Schweickart's Skylab Training Suit Gallery


Walk-around of the left glove ring.

Picture 2 of 3.

Oddly, the cuff of the glove seems to have a lunar surface checklist sewn to it. While the checklist is too wrinkled to read in its entirety, it refers to an "ALSCC" (Apollo Lunar Surface Closeup Camera, carried on Apollos 11, 12, and 14) as well as "hammer" and "lmp' (lunar module pilot).

Presumably, some random glove which was used used for lunar surface EVA training was mated to this Skylab A7LB suit.

Schweickart's Skylab Training Suit wrist ring at Wallops Island
Time picture taken Mon Jun 25 10:32:10 2007
Location picture taken Exhibit Gallery
Visitor Center Building
Wallops Flight Facility Visitor Center
Wallops Island, Virginia
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