U.S. Space and Rocket Center Site Index
Wernher von Braun Team Tribute Gallery


The plaque accompanying the bricks. It reads

This recognition is sponsored by the Marshall Space Flight Center Retiree Association in grateful appreciation of the vital contributions of the German Rocket Team which led the development of the Army's Redstone rocket that launched America's first satellite and first manned space flight. The continuing contributions of many of them, coupled with the contributions of thousands of other Marshall employees and contractors, culminated in the development of the incomparable Saturn V which launched mankind to the moon.
Wernher von Braun
Wilhelm Angele Helmut Hoelzer Eberhard Rees
Erich Ball Oscar Holderer Karl Reilmann
Oscar Bauschinger Helmut Horn Gerhard Reisig
Hermann Beduerftig Hans Hosenthien Werner Rosinski
Rudi Beichel Hanz Hueter Ludwig Roth
Anton Beier Walter Jacobi Heinrich Rothe
Herbert Bergeler Richard Jenke Wilhelm Rothe
Josef Boehm Heinz Kampmeier Arthur Rudolph
Magnus von Braun Erich Kaschig Friedrich von Saurma
Theodor Buchhold Ernst Klauss Heinz Scharnowski
Walter Burose Fritz Kraemer Martin Schilling
Werner Dahm Hermann Kroeger Rudolf Schlidt
Konrad Dannenberg Hubert Kroh Albert Schuler
Gerd Debeek Gustav Kroll Heinrich Schulze
Kurt Debus Willi Kuberg William Schulze
Friedrich Dohm Werner Kuers Friedrich Schwarz
Gerhard Drawe Ernst Lange Ernst Seiler
Friedrich Duerr Hans Lindenmayr Karl Sendler
Otto Eisenhardt Kurt Lindner Werner Sieber
Hans Fichtner Hermann Ludewig Friedtjof Speer
Alfred Finzel Hannes Luehrsen Arnold Stein
Edward Fischel Carl Mandel Wolfgang Steurer
Herbert Fuhrmann Erich Manteufel Ernst Stuhlinger
Ernst Geissler Hans Maus Bernhard Tessmann
Werner Gengelbach Hans Milde Adolph Thiel
Dieter Grau Heinz Millinger Georg von Tiesenhausen
Hans Gruene Rudolf Minning Werner Tiller
Walter Haeussermann William Mrazek Johannes Tschinkel
Karl Hager Fritz Mueller Julius Tuebbecke
Guenther Haukohl Erich Neubert Arthur Urbanski
Arno Heck Max Nowak Fritz Vandersee
Karl Heimburg Robert Paetz Werner Voss
Emil Hellebrand Hans Palaoro Theodor Vowe
Gerhard Heller Kurt Patt Fritz Weber
Bruno Helm Hans Paul Hermann Weidner
Alfred Henning Fritz Pauli Walter Wiesman
Bruno Heusinger Helmut Pfaff Albin Wittmann
Otto Hirschler Theodor Poppel Hugo Woerdemann
Otto Hoberg Willibald Prasthofer Albert Zeiler
Rudolf Hoelker Wilhelm Raithel Helmut Zoike

Time picture taken Sat Aug 27 08:48:30 2011
Location picture taken Apollo Court
U.S. Space & Rocket Center
Huntsville, AL
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