U.S. Space and Rocket Center Site Index
The Force Gallery


A cautionary sign inside the flame bucket.

Rather than warn of the dangers of a simulated rocket blast as one might expect, this sign actually warns about the possible effects of the vibrations of the platform on which the visitors stand during the engine test.

When we visited while the exhibit was being installed and listened to someone explain what the final experience would be like, my wife became slightly concerned: She has relatives who have ICDs and pacemakers, and was aware that certain frequencies of vibrations could cause an ICD to erroneously believe that the patient is experiencing a cardiac event and could shock the patient's heart.

She spoke with a supervisor-looking woman carrying a clipboard about her concerns, and when we visited eight days later, this warning sign was posted.

Warning sign inside The Force at U.S. Space and Rocket Center
Time picture taken Fri Nov 6 16:28:18 2009
Location picture taken Saturn V Hall
Davidson Center for Space Exploration
U.S. Space & Rocket Center
Huntsville, AL
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