U.S. Space and Rocket Center Site Index
F-1 Engine (Davidson Center) Gallery


The engine's "master" ID plate. It reads

Rocket Engine
Part Name: Rocket Engine Assembly
Contract No.: NAS8-251256
Part No.: 104001
Spec No.: R-1420eS
Stock No.: F-1
Serial No.: F-6045-1
Model No.: [blank]
Accepted: [blank]
Weight: [blank]
Insp: [some sort of inspection stamp]

Below the "master" ID plate are two MD RD171-1052 identification plates.

This photo has been rotated 90 degrees counter-clockwise for readability.

F-6045-1 ID plate on F-1 Engine (Davidson Center) at U.S. Space and Rocket Center
Time picture taken Fri Feb 20 10:55:12 2009
Location picture taken Saturn V Hall
Davidson Center for Space Exploration
U.S. Space & Rocket Center
Huntsville, AL
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