Space Center Houston Site Index
Lunar Roving Vehicle Trainer Gallery


View of one of the LRV tires.

As this is a 1-G trainer which must support itself, the astronauts in their training space suits, and geology tools in Earth's full gravity (rather than the moon's 1/6 G), the trainer used a different type of tire than the flight LRV tires.

Period documentation notes that the "1G trainer tires for primary use [were] pneumatic automobile tires", although "special wire mesh wheels [were] also available."

The wheels on the trainer at this time definitely look different from flight tires, but do not appear to be rubber tires and so must be the "special wire mesh wheels" referred to above.

Lunar roving vehicle (LRV) tire in Lunar Roving Vehicle Trainer at Space Center Houston
Time picture taken Mon Aug 4 13:10:50 2008
Location picture taken Starship Gallery
Space Center Houston
Houston, TX
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