The Hermes displayed in Rocket Garden is a Hermes A-1. Fabricated in 1946, the
Hermes A-1 was a liquid-fueled, rocket-powered surface-to-air missile based on
the World War II German Wasserfall. The Hermes A-1 was 25.5 feet long, with a
finspan of 8 feet, 2 inches. This version of the rocket had a diameter of 34
inches and a take-off weight of 6,675 pounds. The Hermes A-1 featured a speed
of 1,800 miles per hour, and had a ceiling of 15 miles with a range of 40
NASA equipment records give a manufacturing date for the rocket of 1946. It is
undetermined if the Hermes in Rocket Park [sic] is a "shell" of the Hermes A-1,
or if the rocket contains its historic internal working parts. Photographs
verify that the Hermes was part of Rocket Garden by July 1963.