Marshall Space Flight Center Site Index
F-1 Engine Turbopump from Cold Calibration Gallery


View of the interior of the bobtail thrust chamber.

Close examination of the missing portions of the tubes shows that there are cut marks, so these sections were purposefully removed.

Picture 4 of 5.

Even if some of the tube walls hadn't been cut away, it would seem that no fluid is pumped through the regenerative cooling tubes, as the support rods go right through them.

Inside the bobtail thrust chamber on the F-1 Engine Turbopump from Cold Calibration at Marshall Space Flight Center
Time picture taken Mon Sep 9 09:45:00 2013
Location picture taken Cold Calibration Test Stand
East Test Area
Marshall Space Flight Center
Huntsville, AL
Marshall Space Flight Center Site Index
F-1 Engine Turbopump from Cold Calibration Gallery