Diagrams of the Saturn V stages, taken from the February 1, 1964 Apollo Systems
Description, Volume 2 - Saturn Launch Vehicles.
Click image for a 2784x937 pixel version or click here for a 8352x2811
pixel version of this image in a new window.
Taken from pages 803/804 of the PDF (pp. 25-3/25-4)
Extraction, reconstruction, and restoration by heroicrelics.org.
Click image for a 1683x968 pixel version or click here for a 5049x2904
pixel version of this image in a new window.
Taken from page 805/806 of the PDF (pp. 25-5/25-6)
Extraction and cleanup by heroicrelics.org.
Click image for a 1244x856 pixel version or click here for a 3732x2568
pixel version of this image in a new window.
Taken from page 807 of the PDF (pp. 25-7/-8)
Extraction and cleanup by heroicrelics.org.