April 2011 Damage to 100th Bomb Group Restaurant
A reader who works near the 100th Bomb Group Restaurant sent an email with the photo below alerting me to a wind storm on April 4, 2011 which ripped a wing and blew the canopy off of the P-51 replica. Damage to the P-47 replica seems to have been limited to shearing most of the bolts holding it to its mounting "stick".
I emailed the restaurant asking for more information about the damage, but they never got back to me. Comments posted to the restaurant's Facebook page indicated that "it looks like we will have to take the whole thing down and just have it replaced. The damage is not repairable :(" Another comment referred to "plane" (singular), so it seems that the P-47 can be salvaged.
Photo courtesy Paul J. Lizanich
The Military Aviation Preservation Society Museum retrieved the mockup, returned it to their restoration hangar, and repaired it, and put it on display to serve as a monument.