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LOX Duct

This was identified to me as a LOX feed duct, which is properly part of the S-IC stage. It would connect to the LOX inlet on the F-1's interface panel.

The story about this particular piece goes that the mission's marine archaeologist wanted to bring up just about everything he saw. The leader of the salvage company tried to stay focused on retrieving Apollo 11's F-1s. The archaeologist apparently collected this while the leader sleeping.

As of now, I have not yet sorted through all of my pictures of the LOX domes, but some other page references this location. Thus, this is a "place holder" version right now, with only the pictures actually referenced. Come back some time later to see if I've finished up, or drop me an email to request me to prioritize the rest of these pictures.

dsc98523.jpg at Recovered F-1 Engine Conservation
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