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Overall view of the survival kit's rucksack. Picture 1 of 2. The rucksack lid contains three pairs of sunglasses and what would appear to be the emergency beacon's spacecraft connector cable. From left to right, the rest of the kit contains a water can (note that this particular container is triangular-shaped to fit the available stowage space); what would appear to be the first aid kit and sunblock; another water can; the desalter kit (cardboard box and two plastic bags with the cords and white labels), the emergency beacon, and the survival lights; and a third water container. Each water container held 4.5 pounds (a bit over a half gallon) of water. The desalter kit could produce a pint of potable water from sea water in about an hour; depending upon the source of information, the kit contained six, eight, or 16 of the chemical packets required for this conversion. The sunglasses had soft fabric frames for compactness and to resist breakage. | ||||
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